Ghost Development Update & 2024 Outlook

For our 2024 outlook we have a few scheduled hardforks coming. First of these series of hardforks is an update to the max supply figure, given the pre-mine that was not taken into account with the original developers. That being said, this will cap off the total amount of GHOST created at 55MM coins, with only 0.90 GHOST being produced every block once this maximum is reached. So overall, we are decreasing the block reward by 25%. This will revise the current reward distribution as follows: Block reward: 8.100 Staker reward: 3.726 AGVR reward: 2.673 Dev Fund: 1.701

The second in the series is an overall update to the chain itself. This includes faster sync times, improvements to AGVR, upstream to match Bitcore 25x, Taproot, and other various improvements. As you’ll notice, there are also further functional tests and additional support for the logic behind the On-Chain governance architecture. Another huge step towards decentralization. Much much more to come about this second update.

Lastly, as the aforementioned have taken priority over other deliverables, it also lays the groundwork for certain protocols to finally be re-implmented and or improved upon, namely, Dandelion++. Once Dandelion++ is re-implemented into Ghost-Core, we can discuss raising the maximum ring size and as a result, improving Bulletproofs. We hope to share some of our research supporting this decision soon. Again, the key here is to optimize transaction verification times while aslo ennhancing privacy protections. We call this Smart Scaling.

We hop you are all just as excited for these updates as we are! Please stay tuned for more inforamtion.

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